

100% MONEY


Availability: 12 In Stock
Vendor: Boca Hydro LLC

Corrects or prevents magnesium deficiency, stunted growth, and reduced yields in all fruits vegetables and cannabis.

Like all secondary nutrients, plants do not need large amounts of magnesium to thrive, but an absence of the nutrient will cause stunted growth. Magnesium is a key component of chlorophyll. Without magnesium, the plant cannot produce chlorophyll, which will cause photosynthesis to suffer.

Magnesium also plays a role in the transfer and production of sugars, starches, fats, and oils within the plant. This means a lack of magnesium will cause starchy vegetables, buds that are not dense, reduced oil production or nuts to lose their shape and flavor.

Magnesium is highly mobile in the plant and deficiency symptoms first appear on the lower leaves. Symptoms are more severe on the lower leaves because magnesium is moved to the new growth. Deficiency symptoms consist of interveinal chlorosis (leaf veins stay green while the regions between them turn yellow). Older leaves lose their green color except in the veins. Interveinal chlorosis can lead to necrosis (death of tissue) of the affected areas.

On tomato leaves advanced magnesium deficiency leads to purpling of the affected areas. It may also lead to the defoliation of the lower leaves. Magnesium deficiency does not affect the fruit but severe deficiency can stress the plants leading to reduced yield and smaller fruits and buds.

The most prevalent sign of calcium deficiency is blossom end rot, in which a plant or tree drops its fruit or buds and appears to rot at the tip.

Calcium Defeciency will also result in distorted growth and deformation of root tips, leaves, and shoot tips. In addition weaker plants are more suceptible to fungus and disease.

Other symptoms include distorted fruits that do not form correctly or partially rot while growing, low density of buds, significaly reduced quality, potency, flavor, and yield of harvest and shortened shelf life.


Calcium is an essential element for plants. Healthy levels in plants are critical for fruit, leaf and bud development. Lush green leaves, increased growth during vegetative and flowering cycles. Fully developed fruits, vegetables and buds.

Easy to apply at every watering or fertilizing cycle or throughout the growing season, Easy to apply with other nutrients. Approved for all fertigation and irrigation injection systems.

Contains no harmful chemicals and will not damage or pollute soil or water in any way.

Designed by plant science professionals and sourced from the highest quality sustainably grown 100% Organic Orange Peels and 100% Organic Sugar Cane to make the purest and cleanest product available.

Significantly increased plant health, growth rate, yields and quality, Drought resistance and stress recovery from excessive heat. Increased frost tolerance.

Guaranteed Analysis   
Magnesium (Mg)Organic.....................1.5%

Expiration 60 Months Unopened 6 Months after opened

1 Teaspoon per gallon for young plants and seedlings applied every 14 days.
1 Tablespoon per gallon for adult plants and trees applied every 14 days.
Can be applied via foliar, drip, watering can, hose end sprayer or drench.